TestPro Testing Overview
What type of Testing do you need?
Different Test Types Require different Tools
TestPro can assist you to select the software and testing tools that are best suited to your requirements and then assist you to procure, deploy and use the selected tools effectively.
Leverage our Expertise of Test Types
You can leverage our broad experience in building automation frameworks, which can be applied to a variety of tools or environments and customised to a wide range of applications.
Let us help you select the best Testing Type for you!
We can assist you to implement and optimise automation using the industry leading tools, such as the IBM Rational tools RFT and RQM, HP tools QTP, Quality Center and BPT, plus tools from CompuWare and others.
Explore our in-house framework that can be customised for use with all Test Types
We offer our own in house, off-the-shelf TestPro, TAF Pro Automation Framework solution for use with IBM tools and can assist you to optimise automation using HP tools such as QTP and BPT.